Pregnancy and Backache
Backache is a very common problem during pregnancy. Nearly half of all the women suffer from back pain at some point during pregnancy. Constant back pain discomfort can interfere with your daily routine or in most of the cases, can lead to complications during delivery or even later. Backache leads to soreness, stiffness and pain the back. It usually starts at early stages of pregnancy and persists until the pregnant women gives birth to a baby.
There are many reasons for backache in pregnancy. When a women becomes pregnant then her body goes through a lot of change largely because of the production of variety of hormones and one of these hormones is known as relaxin. Relaxin causes the pelvis and ligaments to soften and to allow the baby out through the pelvis. Another reason for the backache in pregnancy is that the spine is pulled forward because of the weight of the baby on the lower back that ultimately leads to weakening of tummy muscles.
A backache is certainly curable as it is common. There many ways to relieve it, so if one solution does not work then probably will. A pregnant women in order to get rid of backache must pay attention to her posture, avoid lifting heavy weights and must perform certain exercises. She must also avoid standing for the long periods of time and must avoid gaining extra weight as it can aggravate the problem.
Also a pregnant women has to make sure that she takes adequate amount of rest and must avoid strenuous activities as it can worsen the problem. There are also some special massages for the pregnant women that certainly help them to deal with the early pregnancy backache.
If the pregnant women is unable to bear the pain or her backache is very painful then a pregnant women must consult her doctor immediately.
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