Monday, April 6, 2009

Remedies of Cold and Cough

Cough and cold are type of viral infections .Any one can get affected with it ,it can be even catch by getting in contact of an effected person.
Symptoms of cold are running or blocked nose, sore throat, tiredness, headache, temperature. Cough is of two types dry cough and chesty cough it is caused by cold, flu, lung infection, smoking ,heart burn, air pollution, and it is a common symptom of asthma.
An expecting mother can also get affected with this viral infection as in pregnancy the immunity of the body reduces very much, which in a way is a sign to get affected easily by this.
Remedies for these infection are
1) Drink plenty of water ,at least 8 glass is must for every one in a day. As it also helps in avoiding dehydration.
2) Take steam from a vaporizer and add some essential oils into it as it will help to loosen secretion and phlegm in throat and lungs, the moist air will soothe the airways.
3) Take proper rest .
4) Elevate the positioning of the pillows at this will allow the sinuses and the nasal passages to drain better and this will help to reduce irritation in throat.
5) Smoking should be avoided completely.
6) To loosen the mucus try eating hot chilly peppers and spicy food.
7) To break up the mucus and open the airways drink hot tea.
8) Should not eat fried and dairy products as it can increase production of mucus.
9) The body should be kept warm especially chest,throat,feet and head
10) In case of sore throat ,do gargles with warm salty water.
11) Avoid eating cold foods and drinks ,also avoid ice creams,pastries, breads, nuts
12) Avoid exposure to wind , air conditioner ,fans.
13) Avoid taking a cold shower
An expecting mother is always advised to take good care of herself at she can get affected with this .It is not advisable not to take medicines in pregnancy .An expectancy mother should drink plenty of water and take balanced diet including fruits and vegetables she should take proper rest this would benefit her a lot.As it is said precaution is always better than cure.



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