Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Labor Signs

An expecting mother looking out for those long awaited labor signs, can be a difficult situation to understand that is it a true or false labor pains. The new changes observed in a body, can be an indicator that your body is preparing itself for the arrival of new baby.

The sure way to know that you are about to start labor is ,if there is break of water. If your water breaks there is a constant trickle of fluid from vagina or there is a sudden gush. This happens when your membranes rupture and labor begins a couple of hours later.

Some other labor signs are :
You feel that the baby is dropping down into the pelvis and preparing for its birth this is called lightening , as you will also observe the belly has moved down so as the baby .you might feel like going to the bathroom more frequently .You will also feel that you can breathe better as it releases the pressure from your diaphragm.
There is a sudden burst of energy which is called “nesting instinct” it happens normally a week or two before labor begins.

You may experience the loss of your mucus plug or bloody show. If your cervix begins to open you get close to labor .You may notice there is increase in vaginal discharge. The mucus may tinged with blood and the discharge ofer sig usually either clear or pink brown or red in color.

Opening of cervix is also an indicator, it ranges from 0 to 10 dilation ,if it ranges 2 cm of dilation it can be said labor can begin shortly.
Contraction is another sign of labor, every women experiences different types of contraction. Contraction which last less than a minute and is irregular in terms of intervals is said to be false contractions, where as when the contraction is at regular interval ,strong, closer, last longer it is said to be sign of labor and needs to call a doctor.

Every expecting mother waits for the arrival of the new baby, and in this course of time she feels so excited that every minute a change occurs in the body she refer it as a sign of labor, that is why it is advised to relax and enjoy the last phase of the pregnancy .

In any case ,keep in touch with your doctor and keep ready to goto the hospital.Decide which hospital you are going in advance and inform them about your expected arrival.



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