Monday, April 13, 2009

Pre Naral vitamins during Pregnancy

A balanced diet is the best way to get vitamins and minerals that one needs to stay fit and healthy. Still there are chances of occurring a gap /falling short of key nutrients. If one is pregnant or wants to conceive it is necessary to have prenatal vitamins.

During pregnancy an expected mother is advised to have prenatal vitamins, keeping in mind, of her health and the health of her baby. These are specially formulated multivitamins which fills the gap for any nutrients which make lack in mother’s diet. While the supplements contain number of vitamins and minerals, folic acid, iron and calcium should be among the most important nutrients.

These folic acid, iron, calcium are necessary as folic acid helps to prevent the neutral tube defects, that is helping in preventing abnormalities of brain and the spinal cord. It also reduces the chances of low birth- weight babies. Whereas calcium helps to run the nervous, circulatory and muscular system normally, it also promotes strong teeth and bones for both the expecting mother and the baby. Iron is important because it helps in preventing anaemia; it helps in building of blood and muscle cells in both the mother and the baby. It also helps in low birth weight of babies.

It is always advised to have prenatal vitamins with the consultation of the doctor. It is recommended to take prenatal vitamins before conception as it avoids the risk of neural tube defects, as its formation begins in the first month of the pregnancy
Nausea can be caused with the intake of prenatal vitamins for couple of reason. As it has iron which is considered hard for stomach, and the other possible reason can be the scent which is applied to coat the tablet /capsule, and during pregnancy an expecting women becomes sensitive to odours which can result in nausea.

To avoid nausea one can take the pre natal vitamins at night, take prenatal vitamins with some snacks, drug companies have developed chewable uncoated prenatal vitamins tablets to avoid nausea. It is recommended to drink plenty of water, and include more fibre in the diet, and consult the doctor.



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