Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Swelling Of Feet In Pregnancy

During pregnancy swelling of feet and ankles is a normal symptom. The swelling on feet, legs during pregnancy is called edema. During pregnancy the body starts retaining water and there is an increase in blood volume. The uterus also increased in pregnancy and it causes pressure on vena cava and pelvic veins, this pressure force the fluids to settle down in the tissue and cause swelling. This normally occurs in the last trimester, and it affects more to women who have their due dates in summer (because of summer heat) than women expecting in winters.
Swelling of feet can be lessened by following ways:
1) While lying arrange the pillows under your leg
2) It is advised to rest on your left side as it reduces the pressure on the vena cava vein.
3) While sitting on a chair place your legs on a stool.
4) It is always advisable don’t sit for long hours; rather walk for sometime in every hour.
5) It is also recommended that while sitting one should stretch ones legs, twist he toes, elevate your feet.
6) Avoid stockings which has tight bands
7) Drink lots of water
8) Eat a nutritious diet avoid junk food.
9) Take foot massage as it increases blood circulation.
10) Wear padded sleepers
11) Avoids heels
The swelling disappears after few days of delivery as your body eliminates extra fluids rapidly in a way that you feel urinating frequently and because of sweating also.
If one notice swelling around face ,eyes and hands, or there is excessive swelling around the feet one needs to consult a doctor immediately . As these are the symptoms of preeclampsia, a serious condition



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