Thursday, April 16, 2009

Twin Pregnancy

Becoming a mother or say to get pregnant is the most important phase of a woman’s life. When a woman conceives it raises the excitement level, but if you are expecting twins or multiple babies this excitement rises double. Twin or multiple pregnancies are different in a way if you are carrying a single baby. There are more risks and complications attached to twin pregnancy.
If a woman is carrying twin or multiple babies the prenatal care is very important like, if one is carrying a single baby, but then visit to the doctor would be more to ensure the progression of the pregnancy.
In multiple pregnancies one has to take extra care in every term. There is a need to increase the amount of certain vitamins, minerals in one’s diet. Unlike in a single pregnancy in multiple pregnancies also one is required to take prenatal vitamins while consulting a doctor. Intake of water should be more as it is a cleansing agent and it prevent dehydration which can cause contraction and can result to preterm labor (premature baby).
There are certain changes one will observe in multiple pregnancies is one will find there is a rapid increase in weight in the first trimester, increase in nausea and vomiting which is normally called morning sickness, and there is also extreme tenderness in breast.
The complications one can face in multiple pregnancies are:
1) Preterm birth which means premature babies.
2) Preeclampsia which is considered to be a serious problem.
3) Gestational diabetes
4) Low birth rate
5) Chances increases for caesarean delivery.
It is always recommended to visit the doctor more frequently as the progression of the pregnancy can be deducted and it can help to have a safe pregnancy and delivery.



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