Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Water Birth pregnancy

Giving birth in water is a progressively more well-liked labour method. It is a process of giving birth in a tub of warm water. In this course of action some women choose to labor in the water and get out for delivery where as some women choose to wait in the water for the delivery as well.

In general it is believed that the warm water helps a woman during labour as it's relaxing, the water is buoyant and it's easier to change ones position as it is often difficult for a woman to move positions during labor. Many pregnant ladies believe it to be a good option, to bring a baby into the world. As the baby has been in the amniotic pouch for 9 months and birthing into a related atmosphere is gentler for the newborn and less stressful for the pregnant mother.

Water advances the possibilities of a normal delivery without the use of any painkillers or drugs, which may be requisite in the usual process. In any case precautions are necessary. It is always advised that Water Birth should be conducted under medical supervision only.

Water Birth is a safe and sound alternative for strong women with little menace pregnancies. Medical consultation and aid is the key factor in pregnancy. While Water Birth pregnancies would not be a suitable option for pregnant mothers in case baby isn't placing head-down in the womb or is in a breech spot, if the expectant mother has a high temperature or high blood pressure, if the child is measured to be at risk for any reason, if there is confirmation of the child being in pain or the baby's heartbeat patterns are odd or if expectant mother is known to be HIV positive etc. One should consult a doctor for a thorough check up.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Pregnancy and Exercise

Pregnancy and Exercise

Exercising during pregnancy helps an expectant mother to stay fit and healthy. Regular exercise during pregnancy helps in improving postures and it helps to overcome discomforts like backaches, leg cramps, constipation, bloating, swelling and fatigues. While doing exercises in pregnancy one has to be extra careful.
Exercising in pregnancy provides lots of benefits such as exercise can increase ones sense of control and boost the energy level. Performing exercises daily helps in relieving backaches and improve one’s posture by strengthening and toning muscles. It helps in reducing constipation problem. It also helps in wear and tear of joints which becomes loosened in the pregnancy period. It helps to reduce anxiety and stress. It helps in improved sleep quality.

While exercising the blood flow of the body increases and helps the skin to glow. It helps a pregnant lady to develop strength and stamina and helps an expectant mother at the time of delivery.

Search and studies have shown that exercises may even lower risk of complications like preeclampsia and gestational diabetes.

A pregnancy workout is a very good plan. It is said and believed that the healthier a pregnant lady is during pregnancy, the less likely she will face any difficulties with pregnancy. It is believed that if the expectant mother is fitter than the childbirth experience would be easier. It also helps in controlling weight gain during pregnancy and weight loss after pregnancy. It even helps in reducing the stretch marks caused because of pregnancy.

Pregnancy exercises still need to be kept in control. If one is practising workouts regularly then there are few changes that one needs to make to settle in to changed body or if one is starting workouts then one should not stress herself more. Pregnancy is a very important stage in a women's life. Expectant mother has to take extra care for herself.

Pregnancy is a time of great stress as expectant mother needs to be both mentally and physically fit. Practicing yoga in pregnancy and aerobics in pregnancy helps a lot in terms that it ensures a smooth child birth, it creates awareness of the bodily need and changes in pregnant women, improves mental and physical health of the foetus, it helps in maintaining proper energy flow and energy balance. A pregnant lady can join aerobic or yoga classes. One should not overstress while performing the exercises, one should start slowly. It is always advisable to perform the exercises under the guidance of a teacher.

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