Thursday, April 30, 2009

Miscarriage in Pregnancy

A couple’s life becomes disturbing when they want to build or start their family and there occurs a pregnancy loss which in common language is also known as miscarriage.
A pregnancy that comes to an end on its own in the first 20 weeks is known as miscarriage. Researchers have concluded that 15-20 % of pregnant women have miscarriages.

The main reason for its occurrence is because of the implantation and bleeding is there around the time of expected periods. Miscarriage might occur because of the chromosomes abnormality that is faulty egg or the sperm cell. The other possible causes can be

1) Excessive smoking
2) Excessive intake of alcohol/ caffeine
3) Poor diet
4) Hormonal problems/infections
5) Implantation of the egg in the uterine lining is not correct
6) Maternal age (The women who conceive at an early age or at the age about 35 have more chances of miscarriage)
Symptoms of miscarriage:
1) Severe abdominal pain
2) Mucus releasing out( either in pink/ white in colour)
3) Weight loss
4) Sudden drop off in signs of pregnancy
5) Passing of tissue or clots from the vagina
6) Bleeding

There are different types of miscarriages, they are.
Threatened miscarriage means that in the first trimester there is uterine bleeding which is mainly because of implantation and there is excessive pain in the abdomen and the cervix is closed too.

Recurrent Miscarriage: it means that there are consecutive three or four miscarriage
Complete Miscarriage: when the embryo products are emptied out of the uterus. It can be confirmed with the help of the ultra sounds.

To avoid miscarriage one has to be extra careful regarding her health, visit and consult the doctors regularly to avoid any sort of mishappening.


Friday, April 24, 2009

Risk Factors during Pregnancy

An expectant mother’s body goes through a number of changes. These changes can be normal and some can be a cause of risks in pregnancies. Therefore it is always advised to a pregnant lady to visit and consult a doctor regularly, to avoid the risk developing in the pregnancy period and to have a safe and healthy pregnancy.
There are certain factors which an expecting mother should take care of, to have a safe pregnancy they are:

Prenatal care: Prenatal care is very important. As already discussed regular consultation with the doctor is very necessary as in pregnancy body goes through number of changes. The routine visit to a doctor ensures that the expecting mother is in good health and there are no risks which can affect pregnancy. It is always recommended that if a lady is suffering from any sort of diseases like depression, diabetes, blood pressure, thyroid or any other chronic disease it should be reported to the doctor as it might be a risk in your pregnancy.

Alcohol: It is advisable that in pregnancy one should not drink as drinking alcohol can cause fetal alcohol syndrome. This can result in low birth weight, behaviour abnormalities, preterm labor. So it is always advised to stop drinking in pregnancy.
Nutritional diet: One should consult a doctor and plan a diet chart according to it. In pregnancy a nutritional diet is very important as the baby needs depends on it. One should follow a pregnancy diet plan to avoid any kind of risks
Smoking: Smoking in pregnancy can prove to be at higher risk in pregnancy as it can reduce the amount of oxygen the baby receives and it increases the possibilities of miscarriage, the other affects can be of preterm labor, low birth weight, still birth.

Caffeine: The consumption of caffeine should be limited during pregnancy. Caffeine is not only present in coffee but its also there in colas, soda. It contains sugar and it might increase the blood sugar volume which can prove critical for baby’s health.
Regular Exercise: exercise like swimming, walking, yoga are quiet recommendable in pregnancy, but it should be done in under the guidance of a trainer. Exercise helps in staying active and it increases the flow of oxygen to the fetus. But one should not over do this.

Age: Conceiving at an early age or after the age of 35 can be of higher risk for the pregnant lady and for the baby as well.
In this fast moving life, the high level of stress factors affects fetus growth, an expecting mother should take care and control stress factors to avoid fatal pregnancy risks


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Foods That Should Be Avoided In the Time Of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very important stage in a women’s life. It is said that one should eat well at all times but when a woman is expecting she has to take extra care for her diet and pregnancy ,as diet she intakes helps in development and growth of the baby.

Women should have a healthy pregnancy diet which includes essential nutrients, minerals, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins. In pregnancy a pregnancy diet should be followed. In pregnancy there are certain food items that should be avoided .
The foods which should be avoided are:

1) A pregnant women should avoid the undercooked meat, raw meat or raw eggs as they are exposed to a bacteria known as salmonella ,which can lead to infections and can be harmful for the baby. Raw eggs can cause can be a cause for food poisoning which can cause diarrhoea or even preterm labor.

2) Soft cheese as it contains listeria which is a harmful and dangerous bacteria as it has the ability to cross placenta and can lead to blood poisoning, which can be a cause for miscarriage and it can be life threatening also.

3) Unpasteurized dairy products. As it also contains bacteria called Listeria, which is life threatening. Check and drink milk which is pasteurized.

4) Avoid eating some types of fish, though fish is considered a good item in the diet plan as it contains omega -3 Fatty acids, but there are certain fishes which has higher volume of mercury present in them which can be harmful for the unborn baby. The types of fish which include high amount of mercury are shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish, canned and chunk light tuna has less amount of mercury but it should be avoided too.

5) Refrigerated Smoke sea food should be avoided generally as it also contains bacteria called listeria.
6) Another category of fish which should be avoided are fishes which are brought from contaminated lake and rivers as they are exposed to various pollutants and they contain high amount of PCBs ( Poly carbonated biphenyls) which can infect the un born baby.

7) Caffeine and alcohol should be avoided in pregnancy. High intake of caffeine is harmful as it can result in low birth rate or even miscarriage. Caffeine occurs in some products as coffee, tea, chocolate, and even in soft drinks and soda’s. Alcohols in the time of pregnancy can cause problem for the baby .

An expecting mother should take care of what she eats, as she not only has to take care of herself but for her baby needs also. So it is always advised to follow a pregnancy diet plan and take proper rest in the time of pregnancy.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Twin Pregnancy

Becoming a mother or say to get pregnant is the most important phase of a woman’s life. When a woman conceives it raises the excitement level, but if you are expecting twins or multiple babies this excitement rises double. Twin or multiple pregnancies are different in a way if you are carrying a single baby. There are more risks and complications attached to twin pregnancy.
If a woman is carrying twin or multiple babies the prenatal care is very important like, if one is carrying a single baby, but then visit to the doctor would be more to ensure the progression of the pregnancy.
In multiple pregnancies one has to take extra care in every term. There is a need to increase the amount of certain vitamins, minerals in one’s diet. Unlike in a single pregnancy in multiple pregnancies also one is required to take prenatal vitamins while consulting a doctor. Intake of water should be more as it is a cleansing agent and it prevent dehydration which can cause contraction and can result to preterm labor (premature baby).
There are certain changes one will observe in multiple pregnancies is one will find there is a rapid increase in weight in the first trimester, increase in nausea and vomiting which is normally called morning sickness, and there is also extreme tenderness in breast.
The complications one can face in multiple pregnancies are:
1) Preterm birth which means premature babies.
2) Preeclampsia which is considered to be a serious problem.
3) Gestational diabetes
4) Low birth rate
5) Chances increases for caesarean delivery.
It is always recommended to visit the doctor more frequently as the progression of the pregnancy can be deducted and it can help to have a safe pregnancy and delivery.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Drinking Cold drinks in Pregnancy

Drinking Cold drinks in Pregnancy
A pregnant woman is always advised to take proper care of her as to avoid risk at the time of delivery. Pregnancy is the important stage in a women life. To stay healthy and fit, she must intake a healthy balanced diet, drink plenty of water, do exercise and take prescribed medications on time. Taking a nutritious diet is very important as it helps in the formation and development of the baby and even reduced risk at the time of delivery. A pregnant lady has to make changes in terms of her diet and lifestyle for the betterment of her child
A pregnant woman is always advice to intake good amount of fluids in terms of milk, water and fresh juices. It is very important to have plenty of fluids as it helps to keep away from problems like dehydration and constipation.

It is always recommended to avoid or to reduce the amount of caffeine intake which is not only present in coffee but its also there in colas, soda.
Having a cup of caffeine is permissible but the large amount of it is always asked to be avoided as it contains sugar and it might increase the blood sugar volume which can prove critical for baby’s health.
Some research have been done in terms of the intake of colas, as it has been discovered that colas have a acid called phosphoric acid which is harmful for the kidneys, even this phosphoric acid has an ability to pull calcium from bones which is also harmful. Cold drinks also have some gases which can be harmful for the pregnant lady as it can be a symptom for nausea.

An expected lady is always advised to take water instead of these artificial sweeteners as water is a cleansing agent .It is also observed that woman who takes large amount of caffeine and alcohol tend to have smaller babies and there is a great risk and possibility of miscarriage.

A pregnant woman has to keep a check on the diet and liquid being taken by her as the right diet helps in growth and development of the baby and avoid risk at the times of delivery.


Swelling Of Feet In Pregnancy

During pregnancy swelling of feet and ankles is a normal symptom. The swelling on feet, legs during pregnancy is called edema. During pregnancy the body starts retaining water and there is an increase in blood volume. The uterus also increased in pregnancy and it causes pressure on vena cava and pelvic veins, this pressure force the fluids to settle down in the tissue and cause swelling. This normally occurs in the last trimester, and it affects more to women who have their due dates in summer (because of summer heat) than women expecting in winters.
Swelling of feet can be lessened by following ways:
1) While lying arrange the pillows under your leg
2) It is advised to rest on your left side as it reduces the pressure on the vena cava vein.
3) While sitting on a chair place your legs on a stool.
4) It is always advisable don’t sit for long hours; rather walk for sometime in every hour.
5) It is also recommended that while sitting one should stretch ones legs, twist he toes, elevate your feet.
6) Avoid stockings which has tight bands
7) Drink lots of water
8) Eat a nutritious diet avoid junk food.
9) Take foot massage as it increases blood circulation.
10) Wear padded sleepers
11) Avoids heels
The swelling disappears after few days of delivery as your body eliminates extra fluids rapidly in a way that you feel urinating frequently and because of sweating also.
If one notice swelling around face ,eyes and hands, or there is excessive swelling around the feet one needs to consult a doctor immediately . As these are the symptoms of preeclampsia, a serious condition


Monday, April 13, 2009

Pre Naral vitamins during Pregnancy

A balanced diet is the best way to get vitamins and minerals that one needs to stay fit and healthy. Still there are chances of occurring a gap /falling short of key nutrients. If one is pregnant or wants to conceive it is necessary to have prenatal vitamins.

During pregnancy an expected mother is advised to have prenatal vitamins, keeping in mind, of her health and the health of her baby. These are specially formulated multivitamins which fills the gap for any nutrients which make lack in mother’s diet. While the supplements contain number of vitamins and minerals, folic acid, iron and calcium should be among the most important nutrients.

These folic acid, iron, calcium are necessary as folic acid helps to prevent the neutral tube defects, that is helping in preventing abnormalities of brain and the spinal cord. It also reduces the chances of low birth- weight babies. Whereas calcium helps to run the nervous, circulatory and muscular system normally, it also promotes strong teeth and bones for both the expecting mother and the baby. Iron is important because it helps in preventing anaemia; it helps in building of blood and muscle cells in both the mother and the baby. It also helps in low birth weight of babies.

It is always advised to have prenatal vitamins with the consultation of the doctor. It is recommended to take prenatal vitamins before conception as it avoids the risk of neural tube defects, as its formation begins in the first month of the pregnancy
Nausea can be caused with the intake of prenatal vitamins for couple of reason. As it has iron which is considered hard for stomach, and the other possible reason can be the scent which is applied to coat the tablet /capsule, and during pregnancy an expecting women becomes sensitive to odours which can result in nausea.

To avoid nausea one can take the pre natal vitamins at night, take prenatal vitamins with some snacks, drug companies have developed chewable uncoated prenatal vitamins tablets to avoid nausea. It is recommended to drink plenty of water, and include more fibre in the diet, and consult the doctor.


Friday, April 10, 2009

Weight Loss During Pregnancy

Gaining of weight is a natural thing. An expecting mother’s weight goes on increasing with every passing month. Gaining too much or to little of weight is a serious matter of concern.

In pregnancy a women needs to gain weight which is about 15 pounds at the minimum. A woman who is not over weight needs to put up weight about 20 -25 pounds. Not gaining weight in the time of pregnancy is a serious problem .As it is said that a pregnant lady has to eat for two, that is one for herself and one for the baby. Gaining of weight is an indicator of baby’s growth inside. Eating for two does not mean u have to eat twice. Rather eating nutritious food is more important.

In pregnancy one has to keep a check on the weight being gained/loss. Maintaining right amount of weight helps to protect the health and growth of the baby. A women who gain too much can be at risk of having an early or a large baby, where as gaining too little can have a risk of a small baby.

Weight loss is not good for mother and of course for the baby as well. Weight loss in the first trimester is very common as it is caused usually by nausea or vomiting, depression, stress, dehydration, irregular sleep and rest patterns which is also known as morning sickness. It is normally believed that morning sickness is caused by hormonal changes in the body though it occurs in first trimester but it last for longer period of time in certain women. But still there are ways to minimize the symptoms of morning sickness . One should take small but frequent nutritious meal. Avoids eating greasy food . If one is losing weight frequently at the time of pregnancy and if one is also facing the problem of dehydration one needs to consult a doctor immediately.

Expecting women if losing weight ,it is said that the body starts accumulating fat which can produce ketones and if liberated in blood and it is said that these can be toxic to developing brains. It should be checked if the women is facing vomiting or nausea .

Putting on weight slowly and steadily is the best way .One should get over with the old myth that pregnancy is the stage of inactivity and over eating. One should take a nutritious diet. One should exercise under a supervision and keep a check on weight .


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Labor Signs

An expecting mother looking out for those long awaited labor signs, can be a difficult situation to understand that is it a true or false labor pains. The new changes observed in a body, can be an indicator that your body is preparing itself for the arrival of new baby.

The sure way to know that you are about to start labor is ,if there is break of water. If your water breaks there is a constant trickle of fluid from vagina or there is a sudden gush. This happens when your membranes rupture and labor begins a couple of hours later.

Some other labor signs are :
You feel that the baby is dropping down into the pelvis and preparing for its birth this is called lightening , as you will also observe the belly has moved down so as the baby .you might feel like going to the bathroom more frequently .You will also feel that you can breathe better as it releases the pressure from your diaphragm.
There is a sudden burst of energy which is called “nesting instinct” it happens normally a week or two before labor begins.

You may experience the loss of your mucus plug or bloody show. If your cervix begins to open you get close to labor .You may notice there is increase in vaginal discharge. The mucus may tinged with blood and the discharge ofer sig usually either clear or pink brown or red in color.

Opening of cervix is also an indicator, it ranges from 0 to 10 dilation ,if it ranges 2 cm of dilation it can be said labor can begin shortly.
Contraction is another sign of labor, every women experiences different types of contraction. Contraction which last less than a minute and is irregular in terms of intervals is said to be false contractions, where as when the contraction is at regular interval ,strong, closer, last longer it is said to be sign of labor and needs to call a doctor.

Every expecting mother waits for the arrival of the new baby, and in this course of time she feels so excited that every minute a change occurs in the body she refer it as a sign of labor, that is why it is advised to relax and enjoy the last phase of the pregnancy .

In any case ,keep in touch with your doctor and keep ready to goto the hospital.Decide which hospital you are going in advance and inform them about your expected arrival.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Remedies of Cold and Cough

Cough and cold are type of viral infections .Any one can get affected with it ,it can be even catch by getting in contact of an effected person.
Symptoms of cold are running or blocked nose, sore throat, tiredness, headache, temperature. Cough is of two types dry cough and chesty cough it is caused by cold, flu, lung infection, smoking ,heart burn, air pollution, and it is a common symptom of asthma.
An expecting mother can also get affected with this viral infection as in pregnancy the immunity of the body reduces very much, which in a way is a sign to get affected easily by this.
Remedies for these infection are
1) Drink plenty of water ,at least 8 glass is must for every one in a day. As it also helps in avoiding dehydration.
2) Take steam from a vaporizer and add some essential oils into it as it will help to loosen secretion and phlegm in throat and lungs, the moist air will soothe the airways.
3) Take proper rest .
4) Elevate the positioning of the pillows at this will allow the sinuses and the nasal passages to drain better and this will help to reduce irritation in throat.
5) Smoking should be avoided completely.
6) To loosen the mucus try eating hot chilly peppers and spicy food.
7) To break up the mucus and open the airways drink hot tea.
8) Should not eat fried and dairy products as it can increase production of mucus.
9) The body should be kept warm especially chest,throat,feet and head
10) In case of sore throat ,do gargles with warm salty water.
11) Avoid eating cold foods and drinks ,also avoid ice creams,pastries, breads, nuts
12) Avoid exposure to wind , air conditioner ,fans.
13) Avoid taking a cold shower
An expecting mother is always advised to take good care of herself at she can get affected with this .It is not advisable not to take medicines in pregnancy .An expectancy mother should drink plenty of water and take balanced diet including fruits and vegetables she should take proper rest this would benefit her a lot.As it is said precaution is always better than cure.


Cold and caugh in pregnancy

Cold is a common disease with which one can get affected at any point of time .It is a type of viral infection which spreads faster when one comes in contact with an affected person.It would not be a surprise if an expecting mother gets affected with it
In the pregnancy period the immunity of the body reduces and chances therefore increases to be affected more than the other persons, that is why it is advisable to an expecting mother to take good care of herself.

Symptoms of the cold are blocked nose or running nose , a sore throat or mild earache , headache, coughing ,tiredness,temperature.Pregnant mothers are advised to consult with their doctors before taking medicines to be on a safer side.
It is always said that a foetus should not be exposed to medications especially in the first trimester as at this stage the organs are formed.

An expecting mother needs to take proper rest. She should intake a balanced diet including fruit and vegetables. It is very important to have plenty of water just to avoid dehydration. If there is a problem of sore throat then one is advised to do gargles with warm salt water .To loosen secretions, use steamer and can pour in the drops of the essential oils and take the steam ,it will give a relief and if the fever is high the expecting mother should immediately consult a doctor .


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Causes Of Cough In pregnancy

Causes Of Cough In pregnancy

Coughing is usually caused by the means that something has stroked in respiratory passages .Air pollution can be the main reason or a piece of food gets down the wrong way. Another possible reason could be an infection in the lungs which makes respiratory passage produce phlegm
Coughing can arise due to many reason some of them are :
1) The most common cause of acute cough is common cold or viral infection which causes postnasal drip or cough
2) Air pollution is the other main cause ,sucking in the materials in the breathing tubes causes cough.
3) Smoking also results in coughing ,it can be a cause of chronic cough.
4) Asthma cause cough and wheezing,
5) Bacterial or the viral infection in the lungs also causes cough.
6) Acid reflux which means acid from your stomach may come back to your throat , causes cough or heart burn.
7) Allergies caused by postnasal drip causes cough

Cough is of two types which are known as dry cough and chesty cough. Dry cough is plain and cause irritation ,where as chesty cough brings mucus and phlegm along with it . People who suffers from cough more than two weeks are advisable to consult a doctor immediately rather they should do this activity in the starting point only to avoid risk otherwise a cough can be chronic too. A cough which last for longer time say about two weeks it becomes chronic ,the symptoms can be if the cough is thick and yellow or green phlegm comes with it ,if wheezing, if there is a high temperature, if there is lost of weight without trying, if blood is coming while coughing . Then it is advisable to visit a doctor immediately without any delay.
In pregnancy ,an expecting mother needs to take very good care of herself as the immunity of the body reduces very much and it is advisable not to take medicines in the first trimester as the organs of the foetus develops in this stage and should consult a doctor.

The second trimester is consider to be safe for taking medicines but still it can affect baby’s growth and nervous system,leading to low birth rate
In third trimester taking medicine can affect in a way that it could stay in the baby’s system,this can cause post breathing difficulties.
