Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Exercising during pregnancy

How Regular Exercising can Help you in Post Pregnancy Risks

A pregnant women needs to be physically active during the stages of pregnancy. Pregnancy and exercise programs are certainly very much important for a pregnant women. It not only builds her tones and muscles but also keeps her healthy. Exercising at the time of pregnancy period lifts up the immune system and provides the much needed energy to conceive a healthy baby. One of the significant advantages of exercising or fitness exercises is that it reduces the risk of miscarriage to a great extent. Exercising provides the following benefits to pregnant women:

  • It helps in developing a sound body posture.
  • It raises the energy level of the pregnant women.
  • It helps a pregnant women to take a good nap of sleep.
  • It helps in reducing swelling, constipation, and backaches.
  • It increases the muscle tone and strength of the pregnant women.
  • It reduces the circulation problems during the pregnancy period.
Exercising Guidelines during Pregnancy

The following are the various guidelines that a pregnant women must adhere to before beginning to follow a exercise routine:

  • A pregnant women must eat a healthy balanced pregnancy diet full of essential nutrients.
  • A pregnant women must take frequent breaks during the exercise.
  • A pregnant women must take plenty of fluids during exercise.
  • A pregnant women must not exercise in the hot and humid conditions.
  • A pregnant women must start the exercise slowly and do not over exert herself.
  • A pregnant women must wear comfortable clothing at the time of exercising.
  • A pregnant women must avoid overstraining any kind of exercises.
  • A pregnant women must do some stretching exercises before a workout.
Exercising during the period of pregnancy helps the pregnant women to prepare for labor and healthy childbirth. Exercising after the pregnancy can help the pregnant women to get back in right shape and size. There are various types of safe exercises that a pregnant women can try such as swimming, dancing, yoga, aerobics, walking, etc. walking slowly on the treadmill is considered to be very good form of exercise. On the other hand, there are different types of pregnancy exercises that a pregnant women must avoid namely bouncing, leaping, cycling or biking in rough terrains, scuba diving, etc. However, a pregnant women must first listen to her body while exercising and immediately stop exercising and rush to the doctor if she develops any of the following symptoms:
  • Pain in chest.
  • Difficulty in breathing.
  • Erection of blood from vagina.
  • Severe headache lasting for long hours.
  • Pain in back and pelvis.
  • Blurred vision
  • Difficulty in walking

It is recommended and advised that a pregnant women must consult the doctor before beginning to start any kind of fitness or exercise program.

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Signs of false and true labor

Signs of False Labor and True Labor before Going to Your Doctor

As the pregnant women's come closer to their delivery time, they may have to come in terms with occasional spells of contractions. These contractions are usually the labor signs that may be true or false. A false labor is naturally a means of saying that a pregnant women's body is getting ready to deliver a baby. The symptoms of false labor can vary into women to women. Some of the pregnant women's can notice the false labor symptoms while others do not.
A false labor pain is also referred to as the painless Braxton Hicks contractions that are largely related to labor and delivery. They are totally normal and occur from fourth month of the pregnancy. Braxton Hicks is a false labor pain accompanied with tightening or cramping in the lower abdomen. This feeling can come and go several times. Braxton Hicks sometimes is sometimes accompanied with acute pain or discomfort. This is one of the prime reasons why most number of pregnant women's have a difficulty in distinguishing between the true labor and false labor.

The false labor pains are generally irregular. As pregnant women approaches nearer and nearer to her delivery date, false labor misleads her by getting more painful and closer. Usually, the false labor pains lasts for thirty seconds or so. Also, they are not stronger as they do when a pregnant women is in true labor. However, if a pregnant women is feeling uncomfortable due to false labor pain then she must try out some of the following remedies:
" A pregnant women must take adequate amount of rest.
" A pregnant women must drink lot water and juices.
" A pregnant women must take a walk for a brief period of time.
" A pregnant women eat a small meal in between.
" A pregnant women must take herbal tea in order to minimize false labor pain.
" A pregnant women must try to get a foot massage

Signs of True Labor

If a pregnant women is experiencing any of the following signs of true labor then she must immediately call the doctor:
" Back pain along with contractions.
" Strong contractions over a period of time.
" Contractions lasting for four to six minutes.
" Contractions accompanied with bleeding.
" Symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, etc.
" Tightening in lower abdomen

Signs of False Labor

The following are the signs of true labor that are pretty much common a pregnant women:
" Irregular contractions.
" Contractions are weak and not strong.
" Contractions are felt in the front instead of back.
" Contractions may diminish after changing positions such as walking, resting, etc.
" A nominal amount of increase in blood pressure.
" An upset stomach.
" Loss of mucous plug

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Balanced Diet for a Healthy Pregnancy

Proper Balanced Diet for Healthy Pregnancy Period

A pregnant women need to adhere to a strict diet plan during the crucial nine months. At this stage of life a pregnant women must consume a well balanced diet rich in nutrients. A well balanced diet is essential for the growth and development of the baby. Eating healthy balanced diet by a pregnant women reduces some of the problems that can arise during the time of delivering a baby.

A pregnant women must remember that the food she is consuming is essential for the growth and development of the baby especially in the early stages. It is advisable that the pregnant women must take well balanced diet of cereals that provides essential nutrients to pregnant bodies. Besides taking cereals there are various other essential food items that a pregnant women can take such as beans, nuts and peas to name a few. Doctors also recommend rich diet of proteins as it is an ideal diet for healthy pregnancy. The sources of proteins include rice, wheat, barley, oat, etc. A pregnant women can also obtain some of the healthy recipes on the various pregnancy sites.

Besides proteins, a healthy diet of calcium is very much a necessity for the pregnant women's during the last stages of pregnancy. So, it is advisable that the diet of pregnant women must also include the food health items that are rich in calcium. Dairy products, green leafy vegetables, seafood, etc are considered some of the excellent sources of calcium. Diet pills of essential vitamins and minerals can also be taken by the pregnant women.

When a pregnant women takes a proper well balanced diet of healthy meals and nutrients then by doing so she improves the growth of the child that is still unborn as well as reduces the risk of high blood pressure, disability, premature delivery, etc. A pregnant women must be ultra cautions during the nine months of her pregnancy. Therefore, it has been advocated by the doctors that all the pregnant women's, despite of their body and sizes must gain weight by eating well balanced amount of food for reducing any pregnancy complications. Fasting and dieting during pregnancy are strictly prohibited during the period of pregnancy as it can harm the fetus.

Food Items not Recommended

There are certain food items, which a pregnant women must strike out from her diet plan. The following are the items that are not recommended for women at the time of pregnancy:
  • A pregnant women must limit her intake of salt.
  • A pregnant women must strictly avoid smoking.
  • A pregnant women must also avoid taking alcohol.
  • A pregnant women must not take excess amount of caffeine.
  • A pregnant women must try to avoid consuming pasteurized products.

It will be beneficial for the pregnant women's to consult their doctors for healthy tips, nutrition guides and any sort of balanced diet information.

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Prevention from Stretch Marks

Prevention of Stretch Marks during Pregnancy and After Pregnancy

One of the exciting phases in every women's life is pregnancy that brings joy as you await your beautiful baby. However, it also brings some changes in women's life along with the exciting period. Along with fatigue, nausea, frequent urination and backache stretch marks are a real displeasing possibility that comes during the pregnancy weeks. A majority of ninety per cent women's tend to develop stretch marks during their pregnancy period. Stretch marks are the red lines that develop during the sixth or seventh month of pregnancy. The stretch marks generally occur on the buttocks, breasts, upper thighs, etc.

The reasons for the development of stretch marks are many. The pregnant women's start to develop stretch marks as soon as their babies start growing due to which their body skin tissue expands rapidly. The elasticity of the skin also plays a role in the reason why pregnant women are more susceptible of getting stretch marks.

How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

The following are the number of ways through which a pregnant women can get rid of stretch marks a great deal during her pregnancy stages:
  • A pregnant women drink plenty of water as proper hydration is very much essential for the well being of the baby as for the healthy skin.
  • pregnant women must consume a healthy balanced pregnancy diet as it lets the skin to stretch at a very steady rate that too with minor stretch marks.
  • pregnant women must use a body brush or a clean hygienic cloth to massage those areas where she wants to prevent occurrence of stretch marks.
  • A pregnant women must take vitamin pills as it is vital both for healthy pregnancy and gaining healthy skin.
  • A pregnant women must try to reduce excessive weight gain.
  • A pregnant women must avoid stress as much as possible.
  • A pregnant women must not scratch the itchy parts.

The stretch marks begin to lighten up a bit over a bit over the certain passage of time. There are some stretch marks removal creams and stretch marks oil that must be used after pregnancy because applying it during pregnancy can harm the unborn baby. A pregnant women may also try out laser treatment for stretch marks after pregnancy, which is an excellent way of reducing stretch marks. Some women also go for plastic surgery for stretch marks after the pregnancy. However, if a pregnant women's stretch marks are severe and extremely bad then it is advised to consult a doctor or a dermatologist in order to get treatment for stretch marks.

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Swelling during Pregnancy

Pregnancy and Swelling:-

Swelling during pregnancy is one of the most common problems a pregnant women can experience. Some pregnant women may experience a very mild swelling while others may experience a very painful swelling. A swelling generally occurs during the fifth month or third trimester of pregnancy along with swelling on face, legs, hands, feet’s, etc. If a swelling is mild and normal then it is not a cause of concern for the pregnant women. However, enormous amount of swelling can be a sign of a high risk pregnancy condition known as preeclampsia.

Swelling occurs due to the retention of extra amount of fluid during the period of pregnancy. When a pregnant women drinks less fluids then the body will retain some of the fluids in order to meet its needs. There are every chances weight gain during pregnancy if the pregnant women continues to take less amount of fluid during pregnancy period. Regular intake of fluid is indeed needed to soften up the body as well as to meet the baby’s needs. A fluid is also required for preparing the pelvic joints and tissues for opening in order to allow baby to be born. Therefore, if a women wants a healthy pregnancy then she must not cut short their intake of fluids.

Other Causes of Swelling:-

Besides the deficiency of fluids there are some other causes that can give rise to swelling and pain during pregnancy. Some of them are listed as follows:

  • Eating a diet devoid of potassium.
  • Performing a strenuous activity for the longer periods of time.
  • Consuming excess amount of caffeine.
  • Standing for the lower periods of time.
  • Consuming a large amount of sodium i.e. salt.
Some of the extra fluid gets collected in the hands, feet’s, ankles, etc leading to back pain and swelling (edema) in the subsequent stages of pregnancy. Normal swelling is generally depicted as gravity edema. When a pregnant women standing for a long period of time feels swelling around the legs, hands, etc then she may be having gravity edema. On the other hand, extreme or severe amount of swelling accompanied by headache and high blood pressure gives rise to pitting edema.

Treating Swelling during Pregnancy:-

Here are some of the suggestions that the pregnant women can use in order to get rid of swelling:

  1. A pregnant women must not stand or sit for longer periods of time.
  2. A pregnant women must not wear low heeled shoes.
  3. A pregnant women must avoid wearing tight fitting clothes.
  4. A pregnant women must also refrain from tight wristbands and socks.
  5. A pregnant women must drink plenty of fluids in order to increase blood circulation.
  6. A pregnant women must sleep on her left side as this improves the circulation of blood in to the uterus.
  7. A pregnant women must try to do certain pregnancy exercises that can mitigate the swelling problem.
  8. A pregnant women must take minimal amount of salt.
  9. A pregnant women must take food containing proteins such as milk, pulses, etc.
  10. A pregnant women must take a sufficient amount of rest.

A pregnant women must consult the doctor for any kind of pregnancy complications or using any medications.


Weight gain during pregnancy
Swelling during pregnancy
Swelling and pain during pregnancy
Third trimester
Healthy pregnancy
High risk pregnancy
Pregnancy complications
Pregnancy exercise
Stages of pregnancy
Back pain and swelling

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Effective Home Remedies for Curing Common Cold in Infants

There are around two hundred common cold viruses that are responsible for spreading common cold in infants. But the most prominent among these viruses is rhino viruses as it responsible for almost thirty five per cent of infant cold conditions. A vast majority of people take their infants to the doctor during the period of their illnesses such as common cold and various other diseases. However, there is another alternative which if tried can costs nothing. The home remedied are becoming very popular nowadays as they organic and does not have any kind of side effects.

The symptoms of common cold in infants include the following:
  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Mild fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Flow of yellow or green mucus from the nose

Common Home Remedies for Curing Common Cold
There are some of the home remedies for common cold in infants. Some of them are following:

Heating Pad: However, it is advised that the heating pad must only be used carefully after reading the directions inscribed on it. It is very much essential that the temperature of the heating pad must be moderate and it should not be used for more than fifteen minutes at a time on an infant.

Hot Water Bottle: A hot water bottle can also be used to treat common cold in infants. All you have to do is take a water bottle and fill it with warm water. Also make sure that the bottle is wrapped with towel or cloth before applying it on to the infant.

Increased Fluids: It is recommended by the doctors that the fluid intake of the infant infected with common cold must be increased. The mother’s milk is considered best for curing the infants with the common cold. Breastfeeding the infant provides him the essential antibodies that prevent him from the common cold. The baby can also be given a few tiny sips of water but that too on the recommendation of the doctor.

Steam: Providing a certain amount of steam is one of the common cold remedies. Steaming your infant can go a long way in curing the infant from the common cold and will give him cold relief. All you have to do is turn on the hot shower and create a steam room. Sit in the bathroom with your baby for ten to fifteen minutes. Do not put baby into the shower. This will help in mitigating some of the congestion in infant’s nose.

It is recommended that you must call the doctor immediately if your infant is having difficulty in breathing and complains of ear pain.

Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1: What are the various causes of common cold on the infants?
Solution: There are various causes of cold and cough on the infants but one of the most prominent causes of common cold on infants are the common cold viruses. Rhinovirus is a type of common cold virus that leads to common cold and cough among the infants. They usually enter into the infant’s body through their nasal passages or through their mouth.

Question 2: Is providing increased quantity of fluid to the infant infected with common cold beneficial for them?
Solution: Yes, providing an increased quantity of fluid to the infant infected with common cold is very much beneficial for them. It has been recommended that the infant should be fed with the mother’s milk during common cold as it contains antibodies that are very much essential for the well being of the infant.

Question 3: Why do infants are affected with common cold and cough so often than the adults?
Solution: Infants are most prone to common cold and cough problems than the adults. One of the prominent reasons for this is that the immune system of the infants is not well developed at that age that makes them prone to other diseases as well.

Question 4: What are the various symptoms of common cold in infants?
Solution: An infant diagnosed with the common cold shows a variety of symptoms. Some of the most common symptom that can be seen in infants are runny nose, mild fever, loss of appetite, discharge of green or yellow mucus from the nose.

It is advisable that the infant must be immediately taken to the doctor for treatment diagnosed with common cold.

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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Weight Gain and Pregnancy

A pregnancy leads to a lot of changes in the women's body. One of the most significant and common changes during the stages of pregnancy is weight gain. A weight gain during pregnancy is imminent. It is very much essential for a pregnant woman to get a right amount of weight during her pregnancy days. Gaining the right amount of weight ensures is also required for the baby also. A weight gain is generally considered as a sign of healthy pregnancy as it provides nourishment to the baby and also indicates that the baby is growing. Therefore, the pregnant women's need not worry too much on the amount of gain.

It is essential that the women must gain an extra amount of weight during the time pregnancy as it is also beneficial for the proper development of the child. For gaining the ideal amount of weight the pregnant women's must eat a balanced and healthy diet. There is no common approach to weight gain during pregnancy. A women can be overweight, underweight, normal weight and obese. The pregnant women's must consult their doctors for gaining the ideal amount of weight. Normally, it has been recommended by the experts that an average weight woman must gain 25 to 35 pounds of weight at the time of pregnancy. The underweight women and overweight women must gain 28-40 and 15-20 pound of weight respectively.

If a pregnant woman is underweight then it affects their fertility and also increases the chances premature or low weight baby. On the contrary, excessive weight gain is not good for the pregnant women as it can lead to hypertension, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. Also a pregnant woman can explore the various pregnancy web sites for various pregnancy weight related problems.

It is vital that the pregnant women must gain weight slowly and steadily. This is because the baby requires a daily dose of nutrients and that only comes from the food that the pregnant women eat. There are chances that the weight of the pregnant women may fluctuate week to week but there is no need to fear. However, it is advisable that the pregnant women must immediately consult the doctor if they sudden weight gain or lose weight in the pregnancy third trimester.

Pregnancy Tips for Gaining Weight
If a pregnant woman wants to gain a right amount of weight then here are some tips:

  • A pregnant woman must have five to six amounts of small meals every day.
  • A pregnant woman must have high calorie foods such as peanut butter, bananas, etc. They must also try to take at least seven grams of protein.
  • A pregnant woman must also eat certain snacks such as nuts, dried fruits, ice-creams, etc.
  • A pregnant woman must also try to have various other products such as butter, egg, cheese, etc.
If the pregnant women's are experiencing any sort of problems then it will beneficial for them to consult the doctor.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Common Cold and Cough Effects on Infants

The common cold and cough is one of the most common illnesses to the infants. The infants tend to be more affected with the cold and cough than the adults. The infants can get affected by the common cold and cough at any point of time. The infants infected with common cold and cough start to feel better after a week or two. However, if the problem persists then it is advisable that the infants must be taken to the doctor immediately.
Causes of Common Cold and Cough
The common causes of cold in babies or infants are largely caused by the viruses. There are mainly two hundred varieties of viruses that lead to common cold and cough in the infants. Rhinovirus is one of the most prominent viruses that cause common cold and cough in infants. A cold virus mainly enters into the body of the infants through their mouth and nose. The infants are more susceptible against the common cold and cough because their immune system is not fully developed at that period of time.
Symptoms of Cold and Cough on Infants
The infants must be immediately taken to the doctors if they show any of the following cold symptoms:
· Coughing
· Sneezing
· Runny eyes
· Normal or high fever
· Thick green nasal discharge
· Ear pain

Preventing Common Cold and Cough on Infants
It is advisable to call the doctor if the new born infant is three months old. A common cold on the new born baby can unfold into pneumonia and various other diseases. You can treat you infant at your home also by considering the following cold remedies:
  • Feed the infant with plenty of fluids. The fluids help to minimize the congestion in the babies. Breast milk is considered appropriate for the infants to protect them from common cold and cough.
  • Clean the infants nose especially the nasal passages with the clean cloth that is germs free. Also the doctor can recommend saline nose drops in order to free the nose from the mucus.
  • Run a humidifier in the room of the baby. A cool humidifier helps to clean up the nasal passages and reduces congestion.
  • Clean the toys of the toys of the infants so as to make them germ free.
  • Keep the infants far away from the sick members of the family.
It is advisable to check out your infant with the doctor if the problem persists for longer periods of time. Also do not give any kind of medicines to the infants without consulting the doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions
Question 1: Can the common cold and cough kill the infant?
Solution: No, the common cold cannot kill the infant. However, it better to take certain precautions to protect the infant from the common cold and cough. An infant generally acquires a lot of antibodies from her mother before she was born and breast feeding the infant provides him more amount antibodies. However, if the problem persists then it is advisable that the infant must be taken to the doctor for the cold treatment.

Question 2: What are the causes of common cold and cough on the infants?
Solution: One of the main causes of common cold and cough on infants are the viruses. Rhinovirus is a main culprit that leads to common cold and cough among the infants. They usually enter into the infant's body through their nasal passages or through their mouth.

Question 3: What are the precautions that should be taken to prevent common cold and cough among the infants?
Solution: Taking certain precautions can go a long way in preventing cold and cough among the infants. The infants must be kept away from the sick people so that they cannot catch the illness. Also feeding the infant's with the mother's milk is one of the most prominent ways of cold prevention.

Question 4: Why do infants are affected with common cold and cough so often than the adults?
Solution: Infants are most prone to common cold and cough problems than the adults. One of the prominent reasons for this is that the immune system of the infants is not well developed at that age that makes them prone to other diseases as well.

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Pregnancy and Asthma

Question 1: How can I exercise with asthma?

Solution: You have to take certain precautions if you want to exercise with asthma. First of all, if you are exercising or moving on a treadmill then you have to move slowly at your own speed. You must stay hydrated before beginning to exercise and must take frequent breaks in between. Whatever thing you want to do you must first listen to your body whether you will be able to do that or not. Do not over do any exercise as it may be create some problem. It is advisable that you must take suggestion from the doctor before beginning to perform any type of exercise.

Question 2: Is it possible to figure out if my unborn baby has asthma or not?
Solution: If you are diagnosed with Asthma during the period of pregnancy then your unborn child is not breathing in a very regular manner. As of your current situation, your baby is getting the oxygen through your umbilical cord. The unborn child also does not have fully developed lungs at this point of time. I suggest that you must consult a doctor about this problem and take the required medication.

Question 3: Is it safe to take inhaler during the period of pregnancy?
Solution: Yes, it is completely safe to take inhaler at the time of pregnancy. For the proper development of your baby oxygen is very much required. The decreased level of oxygen is not good for your baby. The medicine that you inhale is completely safe as it does not enter the blood mainstream of your body. However, for the safe delivery of your baby you must go for regular asthma appointments with your doctor.

Question 4: Will taking steroids for combating asthma is good for my pregnancy?
Solution: No, taking steroids for mitigating the effects of asthma during asthma must be totally avoided. It is not good for your baby as well as your unborn infant. The risk to your life is greater than any other possible pregnancy. Therefore, it is recommended that you should follow your doctor's prescription and better take the medicines prescribed by him.

Question 5: Can the women have safe pregnancies diagnosed with asthma?
Solution: Yes, why not. Various researches have that a well managed asthma at the time of pregnancy does not result in the pregnancy related complications. By taking the proper asthma medications prescribed by your doctor, you can have a very well developed and healthy baby.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Pregnancy and Cold

Frequently Asked Questions On Cold During Pregnancy

Question 1: Is it better to drink cold beverages at the time of pregnancy?
Solution: Yes, it is better to take cold beverages at the time of pregnancy. The cold beverages help the pregnant women to stay cool during the warmer seasons. It does not have any kind of negative impact on the baby because by the time it reaches to your infant they are well above the temperature at which they were consumed. However, it is advisable that a less quantity of cold beverages must be consumed by the pregnant women's.

Question 2: At the beginning of my seventh month of pregnancy, I felt horribly cold. What should I do to stop my nose from running continuously?
Solution: First of all a gentle piece of advice is that you do not take anything unless it has been prescribed by your doctor. However, if you are feeling horribly cold then you must call a doctor. Nowadays, a lot of doctors around the world prefer to give Tylenol sinus to the pregnant women's diagnosed with common cold.

Question 3: Is it bad for the pregnancy if I have cold and Cough?
Solution: A majority of pregnant women feel cold at the time of pregnancy. It is very common to feel cold during the pregnancy period. It does not have any kind of effect on the development of the baby. But it can make you feel miserable and uncomfortable. However, if you want to take any medicine then it should be taken under the proper guidance of the doctor.

Question 4: Can anemia during pregnancy make me feel cold?
Solution: Yes, if the iron levels in your blood are low then you feel colder than normal. You must immediately check out your doctor if you are diagnosed with this problem. Your doctor may put you on iron pills or you have to increase intake of iron in your diet.

Question 5: Can I take raw garlic in cold during the time of pregnancy?
Solution: Yes, you can take raw garlic at the time of pregnancy as it is antibacterial, antiviral and extremely safe to consume at the time of pregnancy. You can also add raw garlic in your daily diet. Besides eating raw garlic you can also try out ginger and honey to make a tea and get rid of cold symptoms.


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Pregnancy and Asthma - FAQ

Question 1: Does the asthma affect the pregnancy of a women?

Solution: No, asthma does not affect the pregnant women a great deal if they take the proper medicines. Asthma leads to the deprivation of oxygen in the foetus of the pregnant women, which is not good for the development of the child. Therefore, the pregnant women's must keep the asthma under control by following the prescriptions as prescribed by the doctor.

Question 2: How the asthma can be dealt at the time of pregnancy?
Solution: There are various ways through which a pregnant women can deal with asthma at the time of pregnancy. She must keep her environment neat and clean. If she has a habit of taking alcohol and cigarettes then she must strictly avoid them. Also, she must test for various other diseases namely, Hepatitis B, chicken pox, etc.

Question 3: Does the asthma medication have any negative impact on the health of a pregnant women?
Solution: No, the asthma medications usually do not have any kind of impact over the health of a pregnant women. All she has to do is strictly follow the guidelines and asthma medications as prescribed by the doctor. If she does all these things then she will have a very healthy delivery.

Question 4: Is the usage of asthma inhaler safe during the pregnancy?
Solution: Yes, the usage of inhaler is completely safe at the time of pregnancy. Usually, at time of inhalation of the inhaler very little particles go inside the uterus but do not have any kind of negative impact on the health of the child. Consult with your Doctor about it if you use the inhaler a lot.

Question 5: What are various risks a pregnant women have to face if her asthma is not treated well?
Solution: If the asthma is not effectively cured then there are several potential dangers or risks that the pregnant women's have to bear such as she may develop a high blood pressure, a premature baby can be born, etc.
